R. Chen, J. Song, T.-Y. Lin, G. Aizin, Y. Kawano, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, V. Whiteside, B. McCombe, D. Thomas, M. Einhorn, J. Reno, G. Strasser, and J. P. Bird, “Terahertz Detection with Nanoscale Semiconductor Rectifiers”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 13, 24 – 30 (2013). doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2012.2216522
C. Drexler, S. A. Tarasenko, P. Olbrich, J. Karch, M. Hirmer, F. Müller, M. Gmitra, J. Fabian, R. Yakimova, S. Lara-Avila, S. Kubatkin, M. Wang, R. Vajtai, P. M. Ajayan, J. Kono, and S. D. Ganichev, "Magnetic Quantum Ratchet Effect in Graphene," Nature Nanotechnology 8, 104 (2013). doi:10.1038/nnano.2012.231
J.-H. Kim, A. R. T. Nugraha, L. G. Booshehri, E. H. Hároz, K. Sato, G. D. Sanders, K.-J. Yee, Y.-S. Lim, C. J. Stanton, R. Saito, and J. Kono, "Coherent Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene," Chemical Physics 413, 55 (2013). doi: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2012.09.017
Mahjoub, A.M., Nicol, A., Abe, T., Ouchi, T., Iso, Y., Kida, M., Aoki, N., Miyamoto, K., Omatsu, T., Bird, J.P., Ferry, D.K., Ishibashi, K. and Ochiai, Y. "GR-FET Application for High-frequency Detection Device", Nanoscale Research Letters, 8:22 (2013) DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-22.
D. Morris, L. Ren, R.S. Arvidson, A. Luttge, R. H. Hauge, A. Belyanin, G. L. Woods, and J. Kono, "Mid-infrared Third Harmonic Generation from Macroscopically Aligned Ultralong Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes", Physical Review B. (Rapid Communications) 87, 161405 (2013). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.161405
S. Nanot, A. W. Cummings, C.L. Pint, A. Ikeuchi, T. Akiho, K. Sueoka, R.H. Hauge, F. Léonard and J. Kono, "Broadband, Polarization-Sensitive Photodetector Based on Optically-Thick Films of Macroscopically Long, Dense, and Aligned Carbon Nanotubes", Scientific Reports 3, 1335 (2013). doi:10.1038/srep01335
G. T. Noe, H. J. Haugan, G. J. Brown, G. D. Sanders, C. J. Stanton, and J. Kono, “Coherent Phonon Dynamics in Short-Period InAs/GaSb Superlattices”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 52, 6 (2013). doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2012.08.010
L. Ren, Q. Zhang, C. L. Pint, A. K. Wójcik, M. Bunney, T. Arikawa, I. Kawayama, M. Tonouchi, R. H. Hauge, A. A. Belyanin, and J. Kono, "Collective Antenna Effects in the Terahertz and Infrared Response of Highly Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays," Physical Review B 87, 161401(R) (2013). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.161401
V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, M. S. Shur, A. Satou, and T. Otsuji, “Terahertz Photomixing Using Plasma Resonances in Double-Graphene Layer Structures”, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 174506 (2013). doi: 10.1063/1.4804063
V. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, N. Ryabova, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin and V. Karasik, “Concept of Infrared Photodetector Based on Graphene-Graphene Nanoribbon Structure”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 59 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.infrared.2012.12.028
V. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, M. Ryzhii, N. Ryabova, S. O. Yurchenko, V. Mitin and M. S. Shur, "Graphene Terahertz Uncooled Bolometers", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 065102 (2013). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/6/065102
G. D. Sanders, A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, J.-H. Kim, J. Kono, R. Saito, and C. J. Stanton, "Theory of Coherent Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoribbons," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 144201 (2013). Invited Review Article. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/14/144201
V. L. Semenenko, V. G. Leiman, A. V. Arsenin, V. Mitin, M. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, and V Ryzhii, "Effect of Self-Consistent Electric Field on Characteristics of Graphene p-i-n Tunneling Transit-Time Diodes," Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 024503 (2013). doi: 10.1063/1.4773836
M. Tokman, X. Yao and A. Belyanin, "Generation of Entangled States in Graphene in a Strong Magnetic Field", Physical Review Letters, 110, 0774904 (2013). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.077404
S. Ushiba (Reverse NJ 2011), S. Shoji, K. Masui, P. Kuray (NJ 2012), J. Kono, and S. Kawata, "3D Microfabrication of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites by Two-Photon Polymerization Lithography", Carbon (2013). doi:j.10.1016/j.carbon.2013.03.020
X. Yao and A. Belyanin, "Nonlinear Optics of Graphene in a Strong Magnetic Field", Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 5 (2013). doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/5/054203
Presentations & Conference Proceedings
T. Otsuji, A. Satou, S.A. Boubanga Tombet, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin, and V. Ryzhii, "Toward the Creation of Graphene Terahertz Injection Lasers", Invited Talk, International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology 2013, Kyoto, Japan, April 1 - 5, 2013.
V. Ryzhii, T. Otsuji, M. Ryzhii, V. Mitin and M. S. Shur, "Terahertz Detectors and Photomixers Based on Double-Graphene-Layer Structures Utilizing Plasma Resonances", International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology 2013, Kyoto, Japan, April 1 - 5, 2013.
A. Rustagi and C. J. Stanton, “Noise Properties of Graphene Like Systems”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 18-22, 2013.
G. D. Sanders, C. J. Stanton, A. R. T. Nugrha, R. Saito, “Theory of Coherent Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoribbons”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 18-22, 2013.
A. Satou, V. Ryzhii, F.T. Vasko, V.V. Mitin, "Numerical Simulation of Terahertz Plasmons in Gated Graphene Structures", SPIE Photonics West, 8624-37, San Francisco, CA, February 6, 2013.
Xianghan Yao and A. Belyanin, "Nonlinear Optics of Graphene", SPIE Photonics West, 8624-37, San Francisco, CA, February 6, 2013.
A. Belyanin, X. Yao, and M. Tokman, "Nonlinear and Quantum Optics of Graphene", Invited Talk, TAMU-PQE Workshop, College Station, TX, January 15 - 16, 2013.
A. Belyanin, X. Yao, and M. Tokman, "Giant Optical Nonlinearity and Generation of Coherent Mid-Infrared and THz Radiation in Graphene", Invited Talk, 43rd Winter Colloquium on Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA, January 6 - 10, 2013.