Ph.D., Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Duke University, In Progress
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2010
2010 Hertz Foundation Fellowship
2010 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2008 Goldwater Scholarship
"The experiences that I had during NanoJapan were highlighted in my essays and interviews that enabled me to get the NSF and Hertz Foundation fellowships, which enabled me to attend the graduate school of my choice and have the freedom to select my thesis advisor independent of funding restrictions." ~ Andrea Moffitt, October 2012
Further International Experience: In the spring of 2009, Andrea participated in the INNOVATE: Technology, Globalization and Innovation Program in Vietnam and Taiwan.
Further Research Experience:
>> Read More About Andrea's NanoJapan Experience
>> Read More About Andrea's Goldwater Scholarship
>> Read More About Andrea's Hertz Fellowship
Ph.D., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, In Progress
B.S., Engineering Physics, University of Tulsa, 2011
B.S., Chemistry, University of Alabama, Birmingham, 2011
Current Position: Lead Shift Chemist, AMVAC Chemical
(Mobile, Alabama)
NanoJapan Impact: "To this day, I consider my participation in the NanoJapan program back in 2008 to be one of the defining experiences of my college career." ~ January 2015
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, In Progress
B.S. and M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011
2011 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2013 NDSEG Fellowship
NanoJapan Impact: "Without realizing it at the time, NanoJapan served as one of the most transformative experiences in my life - the introduction to magnetism and spin-related research that eventually led me to pursue a PhD in magnetics, the beginning proficiency in the Japanese language that I continue to learn, and the experience of a deeply respectful culture and meticulously clean country that I hope to return to someday. Although at the time, I did not fully understand the depth of Takaaki Koga-sensei's research into the spin properties of semiconductors, the introduction to the concepts and terminology of spin, quantum wells, etc. became important as it later came up again as the fundamental basis of my studies and research into magnetism. On another note, the three months I spent in Japan and the cycling road trips I took revealed to me a language, culture, and country that I can never forget. In fact, Japan is one of the favorite places I have ever visited and I hope to have the opportunity to work there in the future (another reason for my continuing studies in the language)!" ~ Amal El-Ghazaly, October 2012
Current Research: "I am currently in my 3rd year as a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. I am a member of Dr. Shan X. Wang's research group and I work on RF integrated magnetic inductors and multiferroic composites (magnetic and piezoelectric heterostructures). Over the course of my graduate career thus far, I have been awarded the NSF Graduate Research fellowship and the NDSEG fellowship (effective Sep. 2013) that sponsor my education and research." ~ Amal El-Ghazaly, October 2013
Further International Experience: Amal was awarded the Vira I. Heinz Scholarship for Women in Global Leadership for the summer of 2009. to participate in a program of study in Cairo, Egypt that will include Arabic language study and a continuation of her current research withTechBridgeWorld at Carnegie Mellon University working on the development of an Arabic Braille tutoring device.
Further Research Experience:
M.D, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, In Progress
B.S. in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering and Health Policy, Harvard University, 2010
"My work with Success with Science was largely influenced by research experiences, such as the one through NanoJapan. In fact, much of the book was written in Japan while I was participating in the program. NanoJapan remains one of the highlights of my college career. I still am good friends with a few of my classmates in that cohort. Thank you again for the opportunity."
I finished my second year of medical school at Johns Hopkins and have taken a sabbatical to launch my education technology company, Osmosis. Osmosis is a web- and mobile-based learning platform that helps clinical students better discover, learn, and retain knowledge. Developed by two Hopkins medical students, Osmosis has shown significant user engagement, has over 6,000 medical students signed up, and has gained both internal and external attention, including recognition by the Hopkins Institute for Excellence in Education, PhD Innovation Initiative, and the DreamIt Health Incubator. It launched its iOS app in August and within a month had more than 3.0% of all medical students in the US signed up, delivered more than 100,000 practice questions, and reached the Top 100 Free Education Apps on the iTunes store. Relevant press coverage includes:
Further Presentations of NanoJapan Research: Shiv received a "Superior Presentation" award for a poster presentation he gave on his NanoJapan 2008 research project at the Sigma Xi: Scientific Research Society's 2008 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
>> Watch an interview with Shiv at Sigma Xi
Further International Experience: Shiv participated in the 2009 Summer Spanish Learning Program in Chile as a Harvard University Cordeiro Fellow.
Shiv is also the editor of Medgadget, an online journal that covers medical developments including in nanomedicine, and he is the editor and a co-author of Success with Science: The Winners' Guide to High School Research, a book that encourages young high school and college students to get involved with research.
>> Read More About Shiv's NanoJapan Experience
A.S., Nanotechnology, North Seattle Community College, 2009
>> Read More About Kristina's NanoJapan Experience
Current Position: Business Analyst, Deloitte Consulting, Houston, TX
M.E.E., Electrical Engineering, Rice University, 2011
B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, 2011
Other International Experience: After participating in NanoJapan, Tiffany also spent a semester studying abroad at the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay and participated in the INNOVATE 2010: Technology, Globalization, and Innovation conference in Vietnam and Taiwan.
>> Read More About Tiffany's NanoJapan Experience
Current Position: Medical Student, New York School of Medicine, Expected 2015
B.S., Bioengineering with Minor in Global Health Technologies, Rice University, 2011
Peer Reviewed Publication from NanoJapan: IREU Research: Y. Murakami, B. Lu, S. Kazaoui, N. Minami, T. Okubo, and S Maruyama, "Photoluminescence Sidebands of Carbon Nanotubes Below the Bright Singlet Excitonic Levels," Physical Review B 79, 195407 (2009). [Abstract, Full Text].
Other Research Experience: Undergraduate Researcher, Mikos Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Group, May 2009 - May 2011; Undergraduate Researcher, Kono Lab, August 2008 - April 2009
>> Read More About Ben's NanoJapan Experience
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, In Progress
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 2011
A.S., Engineering, Community College of Rhode Island, 2008
Other International Experience: The summer after completing hisr NanoJapan: IREU experience at Tohoku University in 2008, Chris was selected as an alumni participant in the 2009 NanoJapan: IREU Program where he conducted research at Chiba University.
Other Research Experience: In the summer of 2010, Chris was selected to participate in the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Research Experience for Undegraduates Program. He conducted research at Cornell University on tip-based patterning of graphene using AFM anodic oxidation. NEMS design and fabrication for piezoelectric measurements of graphene.
M.Eng, Transportation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
Current Position: Transportation Consultant, Steer Davies Gleave, Boston, MA
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2010
BA, Physics (Honors), Applied Science, Mt. Holyoke College, 2009
Bachelor of Science Student University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Other Research Experience: During the summer of 2009 she conducted research with Prof. Arun Majumdar's nanoengineering laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley investigating hot-spot adaptive thermal spreaders.
>> Read More About Tolu's NanoJapan Experience
Current Position: Consultant, Hitachi Consulting, Houston, TX
M.B.E., Bioengineering, Rice University, 2012
B.S., Bioengineering, Rice University, 2011
Other International Experience: Clare participated in the 2010 INNOVATE: Technology, Globalization & Innovation in Vietnam and Taiwan
>> Read More About Clare's NanoJapan Experience
MBA, Health Care Management Cohort, Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania, Expected 2017
Current Position: Business Analytics Consultant, Slalom Consulting, San Francisco
B.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Rice University, 2011
Other International Experience: Norman participated in the 2011 INNOVATE: Technology, Globalization and Innovation Program in China administered by Rice University and the University of Pittsburgh. In the summer of 2010, he worked as a Product Engineer with the Rice 360 Program in Kigali, Rwanda. He developed a business plan with team of Rice MBAs for anemia diagnostic device and conducted market research and analysis at Rwandan local businesses, health facilities, research institutions and non-profit organizations.
"The NanoJapan program really did change my life and helped spur my interests in tech entrepreneurship and globalization. Besides further promoting involvement in tech and applications of research, NanoJapan has emboldened me to try new opportunities. For example, I have also been involved global health technology initiatives which my Rice 360-sponsored class trip to Rwanda really highlighted."
Current Position: Global Risk Management Analyst at Citi Corp.
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011
"Even almost 3 years later, as a senior now, my participation in NanoJapan has been one of the most monumental events in my college experience! I cannot thank you and everyone else who was involved in the process enough." ~Aanchal Raj
Other International Experience: Following her NanoJapan experience, Aanchal spent a semester studying abroad at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland
>> Read More About Aanchal's NanoJapan Experience
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, In Progress
M.Phil., Micro- and Nanotechnology Enterprise, University of Cambridge, 2012
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2011
2011 Churchill Scholarship
2009 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
2009 Bridging Scholarship for Study in Japan
Further International Experience: In the summer of 2009 he returned to RIKEN with funding through the NanoJapan Alumni program to continue his research project and in the fall of 2009 he participated in a semester study abroad program at Tohoku University through the GlobalE3 program. He was awarded a Bridging Scholarhip for Undergraduate Study in Japan for his semester abroad.
In 2011, Ethan was awarded the prestigious Churchill Scholarship to pursue graduate study at the University of Cambridge in micro- and nanotechnology. The award, about $45,000, is considered one of the most prestigious and competitive of its kind and will support Schaler throughout his one-year graduate degree program in the United Kingdom.
"The NanoJapan experience was a springboard for me to pursue further research (at RIKEN) and academic study (at Tohoku University) in Japan. These amazing international experiences prepared me for a successful 1-year Masters program in the UK and to comfortably collaborate with researchers from a broad array of backgrounds / cultures."
>> Read More About Ethan's NanoJapan Experience
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, In Progress
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010
B.S., Engineering Physics, University of Tulsa, 2010
Other Research Experience: In the summer of 2009 Daryl participated in the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network's Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He researched silicon photonics under Professor John Bowers and published results in 'Optics Express'.
>> Read More About Daryl's NanoJapan Experience