One of the best parts about being in Japan for a summer is Japanese food. The Japanese cuisine offers a very large variety of dishes and regional specialties and we encourage all NanoJapan students to try as many as they can over the course of the summer. For more information on Japanese cuisine see the following websites:
Japan can be a bit daunting for vegetarians, especially if you are vegan. Many Japanese recipes use a fish stock or base and while you can find vegetarian, and sometimes even vegan restaurants, in most large cities you will still need to ask a lot of questions and read a lot of labels if you are a strict vegetarian or vegan. There are many helpful websites and other resources that past NanoJapan students have shared with our program and if you have specific questions about vegetarian options in Japan please let us know so we can put you in touch with one of our program alumni who may be able to advise you further.
There are a few mosques in Japan and it is possible to find Halal food and restaurants in most major cities. You may also find the following websites helpful. If you have specific questions about halal options in Japan please let us know so we can put you in touch with one of our program alumni who may be able to advise you further.
There are a few synagogues in Japan and it is possible to find Kosher food and restaurants in most major cities. You may also find the following websites helpful. If you have specific questions about Kosher options in Japan please let us know so we can put you in touch with one of our program alumni who may be able to advise you further.
If you have a food allergy it is important to do a lot of research before you go to Japan and you may find the following websites helpful. If you have questions about a specific food allergy please let the NanoJapan program know and, when possible, we will put you in touch with one of our program alumni who may be able to advise you further.
There are plenty of dining options in Japan for students on a tight budget. Be sure to ask the Japanese students you will meet in Tokyo and the students in your research lab where the best inexpensive restaurants are in and around your neighborhood. Since they are students too they will likely know the best deals in your area.