TeraNano Graduate Fellows and NanoJapan IREU alumni will support the continued development of research and intercultural competencies among undergraduate and graduate alumni by completing outreach projects designed to encourage students to pursue study in STEM fields, nanoscale science and research, and international collaborations at the undergraduate or graduate level. These outreach efforts include:
NanoJapan alumni are encouraged to submit papers to relevant undergraduate peer review journals and other publications highlighting their NanoJapan: International Research Experience Project. These publications highlight the cutting-edge THz and nanoscale science research conducted by participants in our PIRE Center's NanoJapan: IREU program.
Wei-lin Tan (NJ 2010) was named fourth author on a paper that resulted from her NanoJapan summer research project at the University of Tokyo
Student Profile
H. T. Yuan, M. Toh, K. Morimoto1, W. Tan, F. Wei, H. Shimotani, Ch. Kloc, and Y. Iwasa, "Liquid-gated Electric-double-layer Transistor on Layered Metal Dichalcogenide, SnS2," Applied Physics Letters, 98, 012102 (2011). [abstract / full text]
Leora Cooper (NJ 2009) is named first author on a paper that resulted from her NanoJapan summer research at Shinshu University.
Student Profile
L. Cooper, H. Amano, M. Hiraide, S. Houkyou, I. Y. Jang, Y. J. Kim, H. Muramatsu, J. H. Kim, T. Hayashi, Y. A. Kim, M. Endo, M. S. Dresselhaus, "Freestanding, Bendable, thin film for super capacitors using DNA-dispersed double walled carbon nanotubes," Applied Physics Letters 95, 1 (2009). [Abstract]
Georgia Lagoudas (NJ 2009) was named third author on a manuscript that includes portions of the work she did at the University of Tokyo's Maruyama-Shiomi Laboratory as a participant in the NanoJapan Program.
Student Profile
Benjamin Lu (NJ 2008) is a second author on a manuscript that includes portions of the work he did at the University of Tokyo through NanoJapan program.
Student Profile
Y. Murakami, B. Lu, S. Kazaoui, N. Minami, T. Okubo, and S Maruyama, "Photoluminescence Sidebands of Carbon Nanotubes Below the Bright Singlet Excitonic Levels," Physical Review B 79, 195407 (2009). [Abstract, Full Text ].
NanoJapan alumni are encouraged to present their NanoJapan Research Project Poster at related national and international research conferences. These presentations highlight the cutting-edge THz and nanoscale science research conducted by participants in our PIRE Center's NanoJapan: IREU program.
Michael Chien (NJ 2009) received a "Superior Presentation" award for his NanoJapan 2009 research project poster: "Manipulation of Nanostructures on Silicon (111) 7x7 Surface for Applications in Quantum Computing" at the Sigma Xi: Scientific Research Society's 2009 Annual Meeting in The Woodlands, TX. Michael conducted this research at Keio University under the advisement of Prof. Kohei Itoh.
Student Profile Poster Presentation
Shiv Gaglani (NJ 2008) received a "Superior Presentation" award for a poster presentation he gave on his NanoJapan 2008 research project: "Fabrication of Single Atom-Wide Nanowires for Applications in Quantum Computation" at the Sigma Xi: Scientific Research Society's 2008 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Shiv conducted this research at Keio University under the advisement of Prof. Kohei Itoh.
Student Profile Sigma Xi Interview
All participants in the NanoJapan IREU or Graduate IRE programs will be required to propose and carry out a follow-on project at their home university or in their local community that encourages other students to pursue study in STEM fields, interest in nanoscale science and research, and international collaborations and study. Awards will be given annually to the best Follow-on Project, to be selected by the Advisory Committee.
To celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide, Rice University hosted International Education Week (IEW) from Nov. 15-20. A joint initiative of the U.S. departments of State and Education, IEW promotes programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange experiences in the United States. As part of Rice's Asia Day, held on Friday, November 19, the NanoJapan program held an information session for students interested in our 2011 program. Rice University NanoJapan alumni Matthew Diasio and Kevin Chu gave presentations on their NanoJapan experience and answered student questions about what it was like to live and do research in Japan.
Learn More About International Education Week (IEW) Download the NanoJapan Info Session Presentation
Learn More About International Education Week (IEW) Download the NanoJapan Info Session Presentation
As part of their required NanoJapan IREU Follow-on Project participants are strongly encouraged to develop projects to be implemented in local middle and high schools. These presentations a) foster interest in university study among young students; b) foster interest in STEM fields among young students; c) foster interest in nanoscale science and research in young students; d) foster interest in international study and research collaborations among young students; e) foster mentorship, presentation and leadership skills among NanoJapan Alumni; and f) foster interest in the NanoJapan IREU and related international research programs among future college students.
More information on NanoJapan Alumni K-12 Presentations coming soon!
Newly selected NanoJapan students will be matched with NanoJapan alumni who either conducted research at the same host laboratory or who lived in the same city in Japan. This will enable program alumni to share their knowledge with the new students about the country, culture, language, and work environment of their research host lab; both prior to departure and while the student is abroad. NanoJapan Alumni Mentors are expected to be in regular communication with their assigned student and available to answer any questions or address any concerns they may have. Communication is primarily conducted via online means such as email and Facebook though in some cases students may be matched with an alumnus from the same home university.
NanoJapan Alumni at Rice University will also be asked to participate in on-campus or local presentation on NanoJapan to potential applicants, program sponsors/funders, and the TeraNano PIRE Advisory Board. Events may include presentations at the annual advisory board meeting, participation in study abroad fairs, participation in International Engineering student panels, participation in the NanoJapan Pre-Departure Orientation or Re-Entry Program at Rice, and related outreach activities. Rice NanoJapan alumni will also be able to serve as mentors and hosts to incoming international student researchers conducting short-term research at Rice through the NanoRice program.
Students at TeraNano PIRE Participating Institutions will be expected to work with their on-campus TeraNano Education Team Member to develop and implement similar outreach efforts on their campus. This will ensure strong participation in the NanoJapan IREU program among all collaborating institutions.
The NanoJapan program maintains a Facebook Fan page enabling us to remain in close contact with program alumni and prospective applicants. Through this page we regularly update members on TeraNano research publications, alumni achievements, related international research and education programs, research accomplishments, and our application and selection cycles. The site is highly interactive and NanoJapan alumni are encouraged to post to the Facebook page directly as well to share news with our office or answer questions that may be posted by potential applicants.
The TeraNano PIRE Center maintains an extensive listing of related international programs for undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral scholars, and faculty. These range from related domestic or international research experience programs to international programs targeted to engineering and science students. TeraNano Graduate Alumni and NanoJapan Program Alumni have participated in a wide range of related international programs and received a number of highly prestigious fellowships and awards.
Learn More About Other Related ProgramsLearn More About Alumni Achievements