This project is generously supported with funding from a NSF-PIRE renewal grant (OISE 0968405) awarded to Prof. Junichiro Kono at Rice University and his co-investigators at our collaborating institutions. This is a continuation of funding received in our initial PIRE I award.
Rice University provides a range of financial and in-kind support to the TeraNano PIRE Center's education and international initiatives. In 2011 this included funding for on-campus housing costs for visiting Japanese research interns participating in the NanoJapan - U.S. Program. Rice University professors from departments across the School of Engineering and School of Natural Sciences opened their research laboratories to students participating in this reverse NanoJapan program, arranged in response to the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan earlier that year. Our center also regularly collaborates with a range of campus offices including the Office of Alumni Affairs, Office of International Students and Scholars, the Office of Internatioanl Fellowships and Undergraduate Research, and Center for Career Development to arrange specialized talks, workshops, and other events for participants in the NanoJapan program, both here at Rice University and in Tokyo through the Rice University Alumni Association in Tokyo.
In support of the 2011 NanoJapan - U.S. Program Kuraray America providing funding to be used towards the living costs for incoming Japanese visiting research interns and for NanoJapan - U.S. Poster Prizes awarded at the Rice Quantum Institute Summer Research Colloquim.
Since 2006 Texas Instruments has generously donated funds to support the NanoJapan Poster Presentation Prize for participation in the Rice Quantum Institute Summer Research Colloquium. These prizes acknowledge the high-level of research students are able to pursue through the NanoJapan International Research Experience for Undergraduates.
STS Elionix has been a partner of the NanoJapan program since 2008 when they first hosted a Company Visit & Tour for the NanoJapan 2008 Orientation Program and the 2009 Orientation Program. Program participants received an introduction to STS Elionix and a tour of their research facilities. This relationship was further expanded in 2009 when STS Elionix agreed to be a host for the NanoJapan Alumni Internship Program. During this internship, the student will learn the intricacies of fabricating nanodevices using electron beam lithography (EBL), as well as gaining insight into the manufacturing of these systems. “We view this internship as a win-win situation”, says Ken Koseki, Elionix Overseas Marketing Director, “The student gains the cultural and educational perspective of how a Japanese high tech company operates, while we in turn establish a mutual friendship that will last over the student’s professional career in the nanotechnology field.”
Elionix has been manufacturing electron beam lithography systems for over 30 years. Their EBL systems have the largest market share throughout Asia, and they are able to routinely write patterns with line widths of 5 nanometers. Elionix continues to strive for innovation and develop excellent products to meet the high appraisal of its customers. “Forming close partnerships with our clients, bonded by great trust, have allowed Elionix to thrive throughout the years,” says Koseki, “We look forward to this same partnership with NanoJapan.”
One goal of the NSF-PIRE grant program and NanoJapan is to foster international research collaboration and exchange among U.S. and foreign partners in Japan. However, NSF-PIRE funding can only be used to support U.S. students and researchers. Japanese students and researchers wishing to conduct short-term research internships in the labs of our domestic PIRE collaborators must first secure funding from their Japanese university or through government sources.
One unique model that has developed to support the exchange of Japanese students and researchers is Hokkaido University's Center for Engineering Education Development (CEED) program. Their International Relations Program provides travel and housing accommodation funding for Hokkaido University graduate students who want to conduct short-term research internships at universities abroad. In 2008 Rice University hosted four Hokkaido University students through this program; three in the Kono Laboratory and one in the Ajayan Group. In 2009 the program will expand with a total of seven Hokkaido University graduate students planning to conduct research internships in various labs at Rice University.
" The program seems to have given all students valuable experience, and has thus become very popular. I hope to continue our efforts to support this program."
~ Prof. Junichiro Kono, Rice University