While our TeraNano PIRE project does not currently have funding to develop specialized K-12 outreach programming for teachers or students we are available as a resource to the educational community.
Middle and high school science and physics teachers and interested students can access the archived webcasts of the TeraNano Introduction to ThZ and Nanoscale Science Seminar via our website.
The Japanese Language Resources and Japan Guide pages of our website contain helpful information for any teacher, student, or other individual who may be planning a study or research visit to Japan. These resources may also supplement exisiting class lessons for high school Japanese language or social studies classes.
As part of their required TeraNano Graduate IRE or NanoJapan IREU Follow-on Project participants are strongly encouraged to develop projects to be implemented in local middle and high schools. These presentations a) foster interest in university study among young students; b) foster interest in STEM fields among young students; c) foster interest in nanoscale science and research in young students; d) foster interest in international study and research collaborations among young students; e) foster mentorship, presentation and leadership skils among NanoJapan Alumni; and f) foster interest in the NanoJapan IREU and related international research programs among future college students.
If you are a K-12 educator who would like to invite a TeraNano undergraduate or graduate alumnus to come and speak at their school please email nanojapan@rice.edu to see if there is a program alumnus in your local area. High schools in the Houston, Tulsa, or Buffalo area can also request that a TeraNano Education Team Member speak to physics classes or participate in college nights/presentations to highlight the NanoJapan program and related international research experiences that students in STEM fields can pursue as part of their undergraduate career.
Rice offers a wide range of summer programs for K-12 students. From coursework offered for credit to special summer labs and workshops check the Summer Programs for K-12 Students regularly for information on the current year offerings.
If you are a senior you may also want to review the Summer Programs for University Students and Other Related Programsfor more information on programs you might consider applying to during your undergraduate career.
Rice University offers a wide range of other professional development and related opportunities for teachers. To learn more see Rice K-12 Teacher Professional Development for more information on our current offerings.
You can also find a listing of other summer opportunities for teachers at the Summer Programs for K-12 Educators website.
The Nanotechnology for Teachers Course helps teachers enrich their classrooms with cutting edge developments in the exciting field of nanotechnology, learn new pedagogical approaches to teaching science, provides teachers with the opportunity to refresh their understanding of core science concepts and to connect with their peers. This semester long course meets weekly during the Spring term.
CBEN offers a 4-week Nanotechnology Internship for Teachersprogram in their research laboratories. We use the center’s resources to focus on techniques for translating the center’s research methods and results into a classroom setting. The goals of our summer internship program piloted in the summer of 2002 are to reinforce each teacher's sense of science as a process, to deepen each teacher's understanding of the achievements and potential of nanoscience, and to apply lessons learned from the content class to a research setting.
Connexions is a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. This is a free, open-source site and anyone may view or contributes. The Connexions site has several quality nanotechnology and general science modules from Rice University faculty and others.