TeraNano Graduate Program
To support the proposed collaborative research, our graduate education program will include:
TeraNano Graduate Research Fellowships
To facilitate work and collaboration on the TeraNano International Research Teams (IRT), we will partially or fully support graduate students at each of the U.S. collaborating research institutions. These students will work directly under the advisement of a TeraNano researcher collaboratively with IRT team members in the U.S and Japan. Students will be nominated by their research advisor to a TeraNano IRT and will be expected to make at least a two-year commitment to this program, ensuring cohesion and development of strong ties among researchers and strong integration into education programs. The program is open to U.S. citizen or permanent resident students.
If you are a current or prospective student at one of our U.S. collaborating institutions and are interested in becoming a TeraNano PIRE Graduate Fellow we encourage you to contact a TeraNano PIRE Researcher to learn more about the program and any available positions at your institution. NanoJapan Program Alumni are strongly encouraged to consider applying to graduate school at one of our U.S. collaborating institutions and, if accepted, to speak with the applicable PIRE researcher at that institution about TeraNano PIRE Graduate Fellowships.
TeraNano Graduate International Research Experience (IRE)
Each year, up to two TeraNano Graduate Fellows will be selected to participate in a six-to-eight week IRE at one of our collaborating laboratories in Japan - ideally for short-term research internships during the summer months. Participants will also be expected to assist TeraNano researchers in the development of lectures and related materials for the Introduction to ThZ and Nanoscale Science Seminar. Where possible, graduate students will be placed in the same research labs as NanoJapan undergraduate students, enabling them to directly collaborate with and mentor NanoJapan participants.
If you are a current TeraNano Graduate Fellow who is interested in traveling to Japan for research collaborations with our international partners speak to your TeraNano Research Advisor about this. TeraNano Graduate Fellows who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are required to submit an application to the NSF East Asia Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) program prior to applying for a TeraNano IRE. The NSF EAPSI program is a prestigious international fellowship that provides a higher level of funding for your research abroad than what is available through the TeraNano program. If you are not eligible for EAPSI or apply and are not selected you can then submit your research project proposal for TeraNano IRE funding.
Other funding programs that TeraNano PIRE Graduate Fellows may wish to investigate include:
- Hokkaido University CEED-JSPS Scholarship Program (Rice students only): Contact Sarah Phillips for additional details as application deadlines and applicable internship dates vary.
- Osaka University Frontier Lab Program (best for Rice students): Research internship program for a fixed period of 1 - 2 semesters or a flexible period of between 3 - 12 months. Flexible internships of at least 3 months must commence between April and September (apply November prior) or between October and March (apply the March prior). Rice students accepted into the FrontierLab program have tuition/fees waived and are eligible to apply for a JASSO Scholarship to help fund their participation. Non-Rice students may apply but would have to pay tuition/monthly fees if their home university does not have an exchange agreement in place with Osaka. Supplemental funding may be available through TeraNano PIRE for travel/living costs not covered by the JASSO scholarship or for non-Rice TeraNano PIRE Fellows accepted into the program but not eligible for JASSO scholarship funding. In both of these cases you would need to submit a separate TeraNano PIRE IRE research proposal (see form below)..
- Japanese Government Research Student Scholarship: Funding avaiable for study/research periods of 24 months (start date in April 2013 if you apply in June 2012) or 18 months (start in October 2013 if you apply in June 2012). Under the FY 2012 budget, research students (not enrolling in a degree seeking course of study in Japan) are eligible to receive a monthly stipend of JPY 143,000 plus international airfare to Japan and, provided the student stays for the full duration of their scholarship, air travel back to the U.S. will also be provided. Application deadline is typically in June for the following year but applicable dates, and funding subject to change in each year so carefully review the Education & Culture website of the Japanese consulate/embassy for your region.
- JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers (Short-Term): The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities to young pre- and
post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe (*) to
conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with
leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
In so doing, the program is designed to help advance the research of
the visiting fellows, while augmenting opportunities for young
researchers to come to Japan from the US, Canada and Europe. Candidates must have obtained their doctoral degree at a university
outside Japan within six years of the date the fellowship goes into
effect (on or after 2 April 2007), or must be currently enrolled in a
doctoral course at a university outside Japan, and scheduled to receive a
Ph.D. within two years from the time that their research starts in
Japan. Fellowships are for periods of 1 - 12 months with rolling application deadlines based on internship dates and an eligible Japanese host professor must submit the application on your behalf. The remaining application periods for FY 2012 are May 7 - 11, 2012 for internship periods between Sept. 2012 - March 2013 and July 30 - August 3, 2012 for internship periods between December 2012 - March 2013. Application periods for FY 2013 have deadlines starting in October 2012 for research beginning in April 2013 with rolling deadlines thereafter.
- JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers (Standard): Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 - 24 months and is open to those who hold a doctorate degree when the Fellowship goes into effect, which must have been received on or after April 2, 2006, or be scheduled to receive a doctorate degree before the Fellowship goes into effect.
To submit your proposal for a TeraNano IRE complete the form below. Priority consideration will be given to students who submit research proposals by April 15 though proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals will only be approved provided there is still funding available. In addition to the form you will need to submit the following documents via email to Sarah Phillips at sphillips@rice.edu.
- Letter of support from your TeraNano PIRE research advisor
- Letter of commitment from your proposed Japanese research host advisor
- Scanned copy of the photograph page of your passport and (if applicable) scanned copy of your permanent residency card and/or U.S. visa
Funding decisions typically take between 1 - 2 weeks, once all required documentation has been received, and after this Sarah will contact you regarding making travel and living arrangements for Japan. Exact funding levels may vary but typically TeraNano IRE funding will cover the cost of your international airfare, necessary in-country travel expenses in Japan, housing expenses in Japan and a daily meal/transportation per diem based on your location in Japan.
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