B.S., Chemical Engineering, Rice University, Expected May 2016
Summer 2015: Internship at Celgene in San Francisco through the Leadership Rice Mentorship Experience Program
"After coming back from NanoJapan, I started working in Dr. Deepak Nagrath's Systems Biology of Human Diseases Lab at Rice University during the school year; my decision was deeply influenced by the time I spent in Kawata-sensei's lab, as I became very interested in the biological side of my experiments and wanted to continue learning about experimental techniques in a cancer research lab. This summer, I am continuing to pursue biology/medical related opportunities and am working at Celgene, a biotechnology company in San Francisco through the Leadership Rice Mentorship Experience program. I plan to work in industry for a couple years to figure out what I want to do in life with regards to graduate school or medical school, and make decisions from there. NanoJapan was the catalyst for finding my interests and giving me the confidence and experience to pursue them long after the program had ended." ~ Lisa Chiba, June 2015
>> Learn More about Lisa's NanoJapan Experience
B.S., Physics, Tulane University, Expected May 2016
"Looking back, this past summer (NJ 2014) was truly a life changing experience both for career opportunities and personal growth."
Spring 2015 Research Internship at the Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology Graduate University (OIST): "Through the [Fall 2014] semester I continued to talk with Prof. Keshav Dani regarding returning to OIST for a longer time. It came about quickly at the end, but as a result I wanted to let you know that I will be returning to OIST for this spring semester. I will be working for at least six months as an intern and might continue throughout the entire summer. I am completely thrilled for the opportunity."
>> Learn More about Skylar's NanoJapan Experience
B.S., Materials Science & Engineering, Pennslyvania State University, Expected May 2016
Summer 2015: This summer I am working in the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab with Dr. Emory Chan who specializes in high-throughput nanoparticle synthesis. I am programming a robot that can handle chemicals, and using it synthesize metal nanoparticles and quantum dots. I am actually so glad that I gained some more programming experience in Prof. Maki Suemitsu's lab at Tohoku University last summer because it is turning out to be very useful to me!
>> Learn More about Ramya's NanoJapan Experience
2015 Goldwater Scholarship
B.S., Chemistry, University of Florida, Expected May 2016
Summer 2015: Lauren has been selected as a participant in the 2015 University of Florida Materials Physics REU where she will continue her studies of nano-structured semiconductors via Optically Pumped Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
"NanoJapan has had a positive and lasting impact on nearly every aspect of my life. Because of NanoJapan, I have continued self-studying Japanese, and will start with formal classes offered by my university in the fall. I have also made tremendously more international friends now that I understand what it is like to be a visitor in a foreign country; I even began volunteering with a free conversational English program in order to meet more international students. Finally, I have used many of the research and presentation skills gained in Japan in my research in the US. Next fall I will begin applying to graduate school in Chemistry with the ultimate hope being to go to graduate school in Japan. Without NanoJapan, I would not have had this goal, and I would not have had the opportunity to enrich my life with a new language, new friends, and new skills." ~ Lauren McCarthy, June 2015
>> Learn More about Lauren's NanoJapan Experience
B.S., Physics & Japanese, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Expected May 2017
2015 Caltech Wave Fellows Program: In the summer of 2015 Chris will participate in the California Institute of Technology's Wave Fellows Program. Chris will be working with Dr. Kenneth Libbrecht on researching the physics of crystal growth and pattern formation in ice.
"The multitude of experiences that I had through the NanoJapan program not only helped me grow as a researcher but also as a more cultured and globally conscious individual. These experiences are something that I'll always cherish and look back upon as I continue to navigate through life both academically and personally." ~ Chris Miller, June 2015
>> Learn More about Chris' NanoJapan Experience
Ph.D, Chmemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Commecing Fall 2015
2015 NSF Graduate Resarch Fellowship - Honorable Mention
B.S., Chemistry, Rice University, 2015
>> Learn More about Nicole's NanoJapan Experience
B.S., College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Commencing Fall 2015
A.A.S., Nanotechnology, Northwest Vista College, 2014
>> Learn More about Chris' NanoJapan Experience
B.S., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Physics, Expected May 2016
Summer 2015: In the summer of 2015, Julianna will particpate in the Colorado School of Mines The Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center’s (REMRSEC) REU program. Jordan Hoyt (NJ 2013) will also be participating in this program.
"I am currently at the Colorado School of Mines completing an internship through the REMRSEC program and am working on renewable batteries. This past semester I was awarded the Dorothy Morris Memorial Scholarship at my school for leadership and outreach. I am currently getting prepared to go into my final year as an undergrad and am looking forward to the semester. I will be an in class teaching assistant for American Sign Language. I will also be starting a theoretical/computing project in my lab studying graphene interactions." ~ Julianna Richie, June 2015
>> Learn More about Julianna's NanoJapan Experience
B.S., Chemistry & Physics, Harvard University, Expected May 2017
Summer 2015 Research Internship in Japan: In the summer of 2015, Jade will return to Japan for a three-month research internship in the Hatano and Kodera Lab at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
>> Learn More about Jade's NanoJapan Experience